Version 1.7.x ------------- * Bug * treegrid: The 'pageNumber' can't be initialized with the specified value. fixed. * Improvement * switchbutton: Add the 'label','labelAlign','labelPosition','labelWidth' properties. * switchbutton: Accept 'tabindex' attribute to get focus when the user press TAB key. * form: The 'onChange' event is available for all the form component. Version 1.7.0 ------------- * Bug * sidemenu: The tooltip has a wrong position when the 'floatMenuPosition' is set to 'left'. fixed. * datagrid: The horizontal scrollbar has a wrong state when the 'showHeader' is set to true. fixed. * combo: The initialized value will trigger the form's 'onChange' event when the 'multiple' is set to true. fixed. * panel: The horizontal panel doesn't work normally when 'noheader' property is set to true. fixed. * pagination: The extended buttons may lose in IE when rebuild the component. fixed. * Improvement * tree: Add 'findBy' method to find a node by any fields. * tree: The 'find' method is enhanced to find a node easily. * combo: Add 'panelValign' property. * datagrid: The sorting parameters will be ignored when the 'remoteSort' is set to false. * timespinner: Add 'hour12' property to display in 12 hour format. Version 1.6.0 ------------- * Bug * maskedbox: The component does not accept numeric keypad. fixed. * combogrid: When selecting multiple records, the datagrid will scroll to the last checked record. fixed. * Improvement * Compatible with jQuery 3.x. * tabs: The 'toolPosition' property can accept 'top' and 'bottom' values. * textbox: The textbox label has the animating feature when focus or blur on it. * tooltip: Add 'valign' property. * tree: The node class can be initialized by setting the 'nodeCls' in the data. * New Plugins * sidemenu: The sidemenu is created from accordion and tree plugins. It builds a collapsible menu with some categories. * radiobutton: This plugin provides a round interface to select one option from a number of options. * checkbox: This plugin allows a user to select a value from a small set of options. Version 1.5.5 ------------- * Bug * tabs: The selecting history has wrong order when the title contains complex elements. fixed. * combo: The drop-down panel may not be hidden if a bigger 'delay' value is set. fixed. * layout: The expanding panel does not collapse when move mouse quickly away from it. fixed. * tagbox: The tagbox and the label don't stay in the same line. fixed. * Improvement * combo: The 'blur' event handler is attached to the 'inputEvents' property. * numberbox: The 'cloneFrom' method is available. * slider: The 'step' property can be set with a floating number. * menu: The 'findItem' method allows the user to find menu item by any parameters. * menubutton: Add 'showEvent' and 'hideEvent' properties. * New Plugins * maskedbox: The maskedbox enforces its structure as the user types. Version 1.5.4 ------------- * Bug * combotreegrid: The 'onChange' event does not fire when entering values on the inputing box. fixed. * combobox: Clicking on the drop-down panel will jump to the bottom of body on win10 IE11. fixed. * datebox: Clicking on the 'Today' button doesn't trigger the 'onSelect' event. fixed. * propertygrid: The 'getChanges' method doesn't work after editing the only one row. fixed. * Improvement * combo: Add the 'panelEvents' property. * combo: Attach the default 'mousedown' event handler. * combobox: The 'setValues' method can be called to initialize the displaying text. * combotreegrid: Press ENTER key to select the highlighted rows. * panel: Improve the resizing performance. * filebox: The 'files' method allows the user to get the selected file list. * searchbox: Improvent the 'selectName' method. Version 1.5.3 ------------- * Bug * combobox: The 'iconCls' property can not be parsed from the